Omniverse Financial helps educators figure out when they'll be able to retire and how to prepare for it. As if you're wondering when you'll be able to retire and how much money you'll be able to save. Examine the procedure and begin implementing your retirement plans.
The Retirement Benefits for Massachusetts Teachers are as follows:
* Mass Teachers’ Retirement System (MTRS)
- Membership, Survivor Benefits, Contributions, and Vesting
- Payment Plans | Service Retirement | COLA | Early Retirement
* Retirement Plus & Vesting
- Retirement Plus Participants 11% | 10 Years of Services Vested
- Keep your membership for life or lose it if your contributions are withdrawn.
* Defined Benefit and Salary Average
- Factors: Salary, Creditable Service & Age | Max 80%
- Before 4-2-12 = highest 3 consecutive yrs average annual salary
- Post 4-2-12 = highest 5 consecutive years average annual salary
* Service Retirement Qualification
- How old you can retire and how much money you'll get as a pension
- Prior 4-2-12 any 20 Years of Service | or Age 55 w/10 years Service
- After 4-2-12 must be age 60 with at least 10 years of service
- Prior to 1-1-78, not Retirement Plus, contact MTRS.
Are you interested in learning more about your benefits? Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to apply. Omniverse Financial is a full-service financial services and insurance firm that focuses on teacher and government employee benefits.
Phone: +15088353738
Business Address: 237 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA 01609
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